“Nasca” The charmed cause (9 Werke)
The gardens of initiation . El Astronauta . The power of early skys . Ana Kushi was .
Close and distant at the same time . The charmed cause . The upper and the lower waters .
The arrival of the flower birds.
Finally arrived .
The Grail, path and the destination (18 Werke)
The hero's cognition- and meaningful journey.
Genesis 1.2 . Sepher Jezirah . Xochipilli . The Lovers . Adamkadmon . Perceive yourself through your journey . The winding path . Divina Comedia . The Fall . Shroud of Turin . Keeper of the Grail . The four ages . do not fear . The path and the destination . You shall love your neighbour as yourself . The crest of mental force through the woman’s order . The cosmic fusion . Unio Mystica